Club is an association of like minded people united by common interest or goal. Babu bagan Club has the interest of serving the society within its limitation. It might be slightly outside the curriculum of our constitution, but as we all belong to society we have certain obligation to the society.
We have contributed within our means to some applicants went for open heart surgery,kidney transplantation and other critical operations. We have organized voluntary blood donation camps medical support cum treatment camp of several diseases like heart, lungs, eye, orthopedics, ent, paediatrics, diabetis, diabetes etc and these camps cater to more than five hundred people on every camp. Committee members meet time to time for social outings and to perform charitable works either by direct hands on effort or by raising money.
Aila, the devastrating cyclone hit the entire southern part of West Bengal on 25th may 2009 killing several hundreds of people and destroyed belongings of lacs and lacs of people. We all peoples of babu bagan club felt the needs of helping these people and we collected funds and relief materials and distributed to the affected areas of Kultali under the leadership of Mr. Suman Chatterjee.