Durga Puja

Durga puja is festival of festivals and is celebrated throughout Bengal as well as in most parts of India. In Kolkata we celebrate Durga puja with great grandeur. It commemorates of Durga over Mahishasura and is participated by all section of people. This year (2010) Goddess Durga arrives on Palanquin and departs on Elephant. Arrival on palanquin siginifies good harvest. This year mahalaya is on 7th October, thrusday and Panchami on 12th October Tuesday.
    Babu bagan Club is celebrating 49th year Durga Puja festival in this year. We came across very stiff hardle to come to this point today. Babu bagan Club is recogniseed by lacs and lacs kolkatans and around for the profoundest ethical values attached to the celebration and we are one of the top pujas in kolkata and even termed as one of the high profile Durga Puja of Kolkata for its innovative style.

    A zamindar appoints Bahurupee team to enact like Goddess Durga to entertain people. Bahurupee is a folk art of  Bengal and is rarely seen today. Artist Roopchand Kundu with his creative ideas of staging the Bahurupee act where it signifies the family which is staying on the rooftop(chilekotha ) of a old Zamindar house is pure by their heart, surrounded by the demonic and lifeless culture in multistoried apartment could not make the family spoilt. The family when they rehearsed as Goddess Durga was worshiped by all. After Mahasunnye mahamaya 2008, Chilekothay Mohora was a unique creation of  artist Roopchand Kundu. 2009 witnessed the highest number of crowd in the history of Babubagan and the observatory system of some electronic media continuously flasked the inflow of crowd was highest in kolkata during most part of day and evening.

    As Durga Puja is the biggest festival in the city, many corporate houses involve themselves as sponsors in many Durga pujas. We are also shifting from our dependency of chaanda to corporate finance. Chaanda is a small percentage of an ever increasing budget and rest of the amount is taken care of by sponsors. We have to market and give presentations to several corporate houses as an event. Sponsorship does not means only money. A Puja is promoted with some business acumen used by television channel to promote their shows. We have enjoyed strong relationship having our title sponsor with one of the strongest media houses for last 2 years. We do have multiple sponsors and try to maintain a strong relation through out the year.

Durga Puja 2010

2010 Puja Glimpses